Après une nuit de jam Hendrix l' infatigable perfectionniste ramène tout le monde au studio et on remet çà :
And the gods made love et la musique : le miracle eut lieu -
Cette version permet d' apprécier le texte du Voodoo Chile.......
Mitch Mitchell aux drums et Steve Winwood à l' orgue sont fantastiques .....quand à Jimi, surhumain....
( ou mind blowing, ou mesmerizing ou kick ass motherfucker, suivant le degré de participation du corps à l' écoute, la tentation étant, quand on est à court d' argument, de recourir à des adjectifs hyperboliques pour emporter l' adhésion...)
et 1983 -
Hooray, I awake from yesterday, Alive but the war is here to stay
So my love, Catherina and me Decide to take our last walk through the noise to the sea.
Not to die but to be re-born Away from lands so battered and torn Forever (forever).
So my love, Catherina and me Decide to take our last walk through the noise to the sea.
Not to die but to be re-born Away from lands so battered and torn Forever (forever).
Oh say, can you see it's really such a mess
Ev'ry inch of earth is a fighting nest,
Giant pencil and lipstick tube shaped things
Continue to rain and cause screaming pain
And the arctic stains from silver blue to bloody red
As our feet find the sands and the sea
Is straight ahead (straight up ahead).
Ev'ry inch of earth is a fighting nest,
Giant pencil and lipstick tube shaped things
Continue to rain and cause screaming pain
And the arctic stains from silver blue to bloody red
As our feet find the sands and the sea
Is straight ahead (straight up ahead).
Well, it's too bad that our friends can't be with us today (Well, it's too bad)
"The machine that we built, would never save us" that's what they say
(That s why they ve not come up with us iodny)
They also said "It's impossible
For a man to live and breathe under water forever",
That was their main complaint
(And they also threw this in my fac:e, they said:)
"Anyway, you know good and well it would be beyond the will of
God and the grace of the King." (Grace of the King)
"The machine that we built, would never save us" that's what they say
(That s why they ve not come up with us iodny)
They also said "It's impossible
For a man to live and breathe under water forever",
That was their main complaint
(And they also threw this in my fac:e, they said:)
"Anyway, you know good and well it would be beyond the will of
God and the grace of the King." (Grace of the King)
So my darling and I make love in the sand
To salute the last moment ever on dry land
Our machine, it has done its work, played its part well
Without a scratch on our bodies and we bid it farewell.
Starfish and giant forms greet us with a smile
Before our heads go under we take a last look at the killing noise
Of the out of style, the out of style... out of style.
Certains auront reconnu ci-dessus un extrait de la pochette de Bitches Brew de Miles, paru l' année suivante - elle me parait convenir aux paroles de 1983, non ?
A mon humble avis, comparativement, Bitches Brew est un album raté , ou chaque face est une interminable mayonnaise qui prend difficilement ou, comme disait Cioran à propos de la musique contemporaine, un coitus interruptus : ça a l' air de venir, mais ça ne vient pas....
Ceci dit, il est clair que Miles essayait par tous les moyens de convoquer la guitare de Jimi Hendrix. Hélas, il ne disposait que de John Mc Laughlin - donc l' idée finale sera de remplacer le duo impossible Miles+Jimi par le trio Miles+Miles+John, grâce au procédé de l' over dubbing : et écoutez le blues sublime qui en a résulté sur Big Fun : Go ahead John, ici après 1min50.
( Pseudo-historiens du jazz, cessez d' encenser Bitches Brew et réécoutez Big Fun ! )
To salute the last moment ever on dry land
Our machine, it has done its work, played its part well
Without a scratch on our bodies and we bid it farewell.
Starfish and giant forms greet us with a smile
Before our heads go under we take a last look at the killing noise
Of the out of style, the out of style... out of style.
Certains auront reconnu ci-dessus un extrait de la pochette de Bitches Brew de Miles, paru l' année suivante - elle me parait convenir aux paroles de 1983, non ?
A mon humble avis, comparativement, Bitches Brew est un album raté , ou chaque face est une interminable mayonnaise qui prend difficilement ou, comme disait Cioran à propos de la musique contemporaine, un coitus interruptus : ça a l' air de venir, mais ça ne vient pas....
Ceci dit, il est clair que Miles essayait par tous les moyens de convoquer la guitare de Jimi Hendrix. Hélas, il ne disposait que de John Mc Laughlin - donc l' idée finale sera de remplacer le duo impossible Miles+Jimi par le trio Miles+Miles+John, grâce au procédé de l' over dubbing : et écoutez le blues sublime qui en a résulté sur Big Fun : Go ahead John, ici après 1min50.
( Pseudo-historiens du jazz, cessez d' encenser Bitches Brew et réécoutez Big Fun ! )
En mai 1968, et pour longtemps encore, il y a eu aussi les incessants bombardements par l'armée américaine du Nord Viet Nam , du Laos et du Cambodge - Quel artiste a su l'évoquer à travers un Guernica musical à la hauteur de cette tragédie ? déjà, dans 1983 ci-dessus , I awake from yesterday, Alive but the war is here to stay....
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